WHITEVILLE, N.C. (WECT) – Three people are in the hospital recovering from a virus spread by mosquitoes. All three cases of West Nile virus are in Columbus County.
Kim Smith, with the Columbus County Health Department, says bites aren’t just annoying and itchy, they can also lead to severe illness. It’s something she says should not be taken lightly.
“One person was cutting down bushes in their yard, and that’s where mosquitoes like to hide, and they don’t like to be bothered. The other two, we really can’t say what they were doing. They could have been just out in their yard,” said Smith.
Smith is now advising people to protect themselves against the virus, and to take it seriously.
According to Smith, all three people with the virus are still recovering in the hospital.
“I want people to pay attention. You know, I’m sorry that these three individuals ended up in the hospital,” said Smith.
So you might be asking yourself how do you know if you have West Nile virus?
Smith says most people do not show symptoms, but that the virus slowly develops into flu-like symptoms. In severe cases, the virus takes it to a whole new level as it travels to the brain.
“When it gets a little bit more serious, you have a high fever, you have a stiff neck, you’re confused,” said Smith.
Smith says there is no easy way to diagnose the virus, and no easy way to treat it.
“It is very difficult to diagnose. There is no specific treatment for West Nile virus. You treat the symptoms. You make the individual comfortable,” said Smith.
She explains doctors typically rule out other diseases and viruses before concluding someone has West Nile virus.
Smith says people should use mosquito repellent with DEET in it, check their screens for holes, dump out any standing water and make sure your doors are closed to protect yourself from mosquitoes and West Nile virus.
Smith adds to not go near the swamp, bodies of water and ditches.
Larvicide is available at the county’s environmental health building for free. Smith says larvicide can be placed in things like bird baths or flower pots to kill mosquitoes. It is safe for birds.
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