State and local leaders attend Coastal Horizons’ annual meeting

State and local leaders attend Coastal Horizons’ annual meeting

State and local leaders attend Coastal Horizons’ annual meeting

State and local leaders attend Coastal Horizons’ annual meeting

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – State and local leaders attended Coastal Horizons Center’s 54th annual meeting at the Wilmington Convention Center on Tuesday.

The agency helps people struggling with drug addiction, survivors of rape, and children in crisis. Coastal Horizons has over 700 employees in 57 counties.

Representative Ted Davis, who secures funding in Raleigh for Coastal Horizons, says the agency is critical to the community.

“No link in a chain is any stronger than its weakest point and when you look at Coastal Horizon’s chain there is no weak link, there is no weak point. I’m just amazed at all the things that they can do,” Davis said.

Coastal Horizons Center is still expanding its services, with its “Wilmington Health Access for Teens” program recently moved into a larger facility on Medical Center Drive.

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