Southport Police Department moves office lobby

Southport Police Department moves office lobby

Southport Police Department moves office lobby

Southport Police Department moves office lobby

SOUTHPORT, N.C. (WECT) – The Southport Police Department has moved its office lobby from City Hall, according to an announcement Wednesday, Aug. 28.

Per the SPD, its office at 1029 N Howe Street has closed and operations are now being conducted from 1669-A N Howe Street.

“Yes! the Wal-Mart location. We still have a few housekeeping areas of the headquarters that are being addressed, but operations are at the new location. By state law and city ordinance, Golf carts may not travel to the new location,” the announcement states.

According to Southport PD, If you need your golf cart inspected you still report to the City Hall, 1029 N Howe Street. Someone from the department will meet people there for inspection and renewal paperwork. People can report to the downstairs utility office.

Office hours are still 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the phone number is still 910-457-7911.

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