Roughly 3,600 gallons of wastewater spill in Clarkton

Roughly 3,600 gallons of wastewater spill in Clarkton

Roughly 3,600 gallons of wastewater spill in Clarkton

Roughly 3,600 gallons of wastewater spill in Clarkton

CLARKTON, N.C. (WECT) – Two recent sanitary sewer overflow spills led to approximately 3,600 gallons of wastewater being discharged into Red Hill Branch Swamp, the Town of Clarkton announced Monday, Aug. 12.

According to the town, the spills happened on Wednesday as a result of Tropical Storm Debby and occurred at the 211 W Lift Station and at a manhole across the street.

“During each spill, approximately 1,800 gallons were discharged to a ditch leading to Red Hill Branch swamp. The North Carolina Division of Water Resources has been notified,” the release from the town states.

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