Rescue group looking for answers after dog that couldn’t be saved had to be euthanized

Rescue group looking for answers after dog that couldn’t be saved had to be euthanized

Rescue group looking for answers after dog that couldn’t be saved had to be euthanized

Rescue group looking for answers after dog that couldn’t be saved had to be euthanized

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – Freedom Bridge Animal Rescue is hoping to find answers after they had to euthanize a dog found in terrible shape.

“I have never, I have never physically seen a dog this bad,” said Diana Topjian, FBAR founder and president.

Two college students had found the dog near a dumpster in a parking lot across the street from UNCW. Freedom Bridge Animal Rescue volunteers named him Maverick.

He weighed 38 pounds, at least 20 pounds lighter than he should be. Maverick started to eat and drink a little, but veterinarians soon realized he couldn’t be saved.

“They re-did his chest X-ray, his chest X-ray looked terrible. He appeared to be getting more and more uncomfortable. So they recommended humane euthanasia. So I went up and helped. I was there for him. What the vet told me was, if we could have gotten him two months ago, we could have helped him. So that’s how long this poor soul had been going without nourishment,” said Topjian.

Rescue groups and shelters say they’re seeing more people struggling to afford their pets.

“We see it every day. People are turning in pets because they can’t afford food. They can’t afford adequate veterinary care and the housing market is having a huge impact on why people can’t afford to have their pets or afford to keep their pets because the cost of pet rental fees and finding pet affordable housing period has really increased the number of animals coming thru our doors,” said Jewell Horton, with the Pender County Animal Shelter.

“Financially, it’s expensive. And that’s why so many rescues and New Hanover animal control and local animal controls, if they have, will provide food if people reach out. So there is that availability,” said Topjian.

Freedom Bridge Animal Rescue is offering a reward for information about Maverick. You can send an email here if you have any information.

There are several resources available if you’re struggling to afford your pet, including:

You can also check with your local animal shelter.

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