New law allows to-go cocktails again in N.C.

New law allows to-go cocktails again in N.C.

New law allows to-go cocktails again in N.C.

New law allows to-go cocktails again in N.C.

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – On July 8, Governor Roy Cooper signed a law into effect that allows people to take cocktails to-go again and extends the days ABC stores in North Carolina can remain open.

Senate Bill 527 made several changes to the alcohol laws in the N.C. One change now allows restaurants to sell cocktails and mixed drinks to-go. The drink, however, must be ordered with food.

Additionally, the drink can not be more than 13% alcohol or larger than 24 oz. It must also be a premixed cocktail sold in the manufacturer’s original container.

Some restaurant owners say giving customers the option to take drinks to-go could be good for business. Junior Zarate, owner of Zocalo Street Food and Tequila in Wilmington, says similar rules were in place during the pandemic to help boost restaurant sales.

“Alcohol is always a big help in every, in every business. Like I said food costs these days it’s been very expensive,” said Zarate. “ We can make some extra money selling some alcohol,” he added.

Zarate and other restaurant owners expressed safety concerns about the rules for when people drink outside of the restaurant premises

“I think as a business owner it’s a great idea for us,” said Zarate. “My concern, I need to get more information about how is that going to affect the drinking outside, like what rules and regulations do they have,” he added.

People interested in taking drinks to-go should call restaurants ahead of time to see if they plan on offering the service.

ABC stores are now allowed to be open on the Fourth of July, Labor Day and New Year’s Day.

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