Hoggard High School named Team of the Week during third round of playoffs

Hoggard High School named Team of the Week during third round of playoffs

Hoggard High School named Team of the Week during third round of playoffs

Hoggard High School named Team of the Week during third round of playoffs

Hoggard High School named Team of the Week during third round of playoffs

Hoggard beat the Crusaders last year to play in the state championship game.
Published: Dec. 2, 2024 at 6:43 PM EST
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WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – The latest All-Star Team of The Week is looking to finish what it started last season.

This week’s honor goes to Hoggard High School Vikings.

They defeated Raleigh Millbrook 28-21 and will now advance to the Eastern State Semifinals. They face Cardinal Gibbons in Raleigh on Friday.

Hoggard beat the Crusaders last year in the 4-A Eastern State Finals to play in the state championship game.

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