Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that would require 16-17-year-olds to be tried as adults for violent crimes

Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that would require 16-17-year-olds to be tried as adults for violent crimes

Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that would require 16-17-year-olds to be tried as adults for violent crimes

Gov. Cooper vetoes bill that would require 16-17-year-olds to be tried as adults for violent crimes

RALEIGH, N.C. (WECT) – On Friday, June 14, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed a bill that would required any 16 or 17-year-old charged with a violent crime to be tried as an adult.

In his statement on the law, Cooper said that he felt that while most violent crimes should be handled in adult court, there are still cases where sentences would be more appropriate and effectively handled in juvenile court.

“I remain concerned that this new law would keep some children from getting the treatment they need while making communities less safe. Instead, the legislature should invest significantly more in our juvenile justice system to ensure resources are available to help prevent crimes and appropriately deal with children who break the law,” Cooper’s statement reads.

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