WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – WECT has teamed up with three women as they train to run a half marathon for the first time. We put them in touch with the Without Limits running club to help get them the training they need to succeed.
Michelle Carbonaro, Victoria Broughton and Andrea Cherry started their training about a month ago. All three agreed that their first practice was a little overwhelming and intimidating, but they are eager to take on the challenge.
Carbonaro has multiple sclerosis and is doing this to challenge herself and raise awareness about the disease. She says there are some days where she can’t even walk, but she wants to stay committed. She works through the pain and soreness even when it means practicing in the rain.
“Because not being consistent and following the plan will set you back. So you know, even on days where it’s like this, and the weather’s not great, making sure I get out and run and do exactly what I’m supposed to do with the plan,” said Carbonaro.
Broughton works full time and ran her first 5k in May. She’s never run track or cross country, so even learning some of the terms at practice like ‘Go do a 200 or 400′ were foreign to her. But she’s proud of how far she has come so far, and says she’s already seeing a difference in her ability.
“Some days I kind of like start running, it’s like, you know, this is just a little bit easier than it was last time. And if it’s a little bit easier now, just just think of like, a couple more weeks, it’ll be a little bit easier, I’ll be this much faster, I can run just a smidge longer,” said Broughton.
Andrea Cherry took up running after suffering from health issues with her neck and spine. This year is her tenth anniversary of getting the fusions she needed.
Carbonaro, Broughton and Cherry are signed up to run the Parkway Subaru Battleship NC Half Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 17.
We will continue to update their progress every month and we will be there when they cross the finish line.
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