WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – Experts will tell you exercise should be something you do for life and not just temporarily as a New Year’s resolution. This time of year is typically when people start giving up on the changes they committed to at the start of the new year.
65-year-old Tine Hall says making the commitment to exercise six years ago saved her life.
“I’m a diabetic. I used to take it four shots a day. Now I’m down to just one,” said Hall.
Hall drives from Bladen County to Wilmington three times a week to take an exercise class at CrossFit Reignited.
“When I first walked into the gym, I couldn’t get up off the floor. I had to crawl to something to help me get up and then it was a struggle. And now I don’t have to do that anymore,” said Hall.
Now Hall throws ten pound medicine balls and can deadlift 250 pounds. Hall also dropped 60 pounds and says that has greatly improved her quality of life.
“My back don’t hurt anymore. My knees don’t hurt anymore. I can walk up steps. I can run I can live I can do what I was doing when I was 20 years old,” said Hall.
The class is called Forever Fit and has a focus on seniors. The average age of participants is mid-60′s to 70.
“A lot of them are independent. And they don’t want to have to go to nursing homes, they want to be able to do as much as they can for as long as they can by themselves. We always joke in our class, I prepare them to fall so they can get back up. They don’t need Life Alert,” said Brynn Carrick, CrossFit coach.
Sometimes, they just need the will to try something that is often out of their comfort zone.
“It’s pretty cool because they actually surprised themselves. They look at something and I’ll show them that and they’re like, ‘You want me to do that?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, like do it.’ And then the next thing they know, they’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, I didn’t know I could do that,’” said Carrick.
Hall hopes her story will inspire others to take the first step.
“Anybody my age. Please don’t give up on yourself and keep moving,” said Hall.
The CDC recommends moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week, and muscle strengthening for two or more days a week working all major muscle groups
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