Experts explain when to grab drinks with electrolytes during the summer heat

Experts explain when to grab drinks with electrolytes during the summer heat

Experts explain when to grab drinks with electrolytes during the summer heat

Experts explain when to grab drinks with electrolytes during the summer heat

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – Some doctors say an average lifestyle calls for four to six glasses of water a day. An active person needs more water, and as they sweat they should look for drinks with electrolytes.

“If you’re doing, you know, really rigorous prolonged activity, you might need some electrolyte replacement,” said Dr. Benjamin Browning with Novant Health.

Doctors say electrolytes play a key role in hydrating as they work alongside water to keep you healthy.

Dr. Matthew Anastasi with the Mayo Clinic says the more electrolytes you have in your body, the more water it allows you to hold on to, and that is what keeps you well hydrated. Anastasi says a potential problem with drinking tons of electrolyte drinks is they could contain some things you don’t want in your body. He says it’s best to check drink labels.

“You may be taking in way too many calories, right, way too much sugar. And you also may be well above your recommended diet, and dietary consumption. So I think as with anything, it’s a balancing act,” Dr. Anastasi said.

Making the choice between plain water or an electrolyte drink should depend on your level of activity.

“If you’re doing anything more than 30 minutes in duration or anything that’s going to be very intense, I do think you would benefit from hydration support,” said Dr. Anastasi.

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