Community honors District Attorney Ben David for 25 years of service at Thalian Hall

Community honors District Attorney Ben David for 25 years of service at Thalian Hall

Community honors District Attorney Ben David for 25 years of service at Thalian Hall

Community honors District Attorney Ben David for 25 years of service at Thalian Hall

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – The community celebrated District Attorney Ben David ahead of his retirement in Thalian Hall on Thursday.

Ben David served as District Attorney for New Hanover and Pender County for 20 years. Those years were dedicated to criminal justice and getting victims’ voices heard.

The theater was packed with people from far and near impacted by what he’s done over the years.

“I was blown away by the representation from the community and even from around the state. I’ve always said, we fight crime by building community, and it was so nice to see the community show up to send me off into the next chapter in my life,” David said.

A panel of colleagues spoke on his behalf and noted his determined work ethic.

WECT’s Frances Weller was one of the speakers this evening. She says he’ll be remembered for several characteristics, one of them being compassion.

“I hope I don’t offend anyone when I say this but I do not know another single soul who has the compassion for victims and their families like Ben David,” Weller said. “I have never seen it before and the odds are I may never see it again”.

David became a prosecutor in the District Attorney’s Office in April of 1999 before taking over in December of 2004. He ran unopposed for re-election to a fifth term in November 2022.

“I hope that we talked a little bit more about not only doing justice but loving mercy and trying to be humble in the process. I think that’s a great mission statement that comes from the Old Testament, and it’s how I’ve tried to run the office, even though I’ve sometimes I’ve fallen short,” David said.

David spoke on the legacy he hopes to leave behind.

“You know, I hope to leave a human legacy…That vicious cycle that we see at the courthouse of today’s victim is tomorrow’s defendant, and high crime areas or high victim areas, I really believe that we can stop that cycle… by really taking a public health approach around making sure that people are more trauma-informed in the court system,” David said.

His last day will be September 3, and he plans to open the doors to a new Community Justice Center in the Harrelson Center.

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