COMMUNITY CLASSROOM: Teacher seeks donations for reusable water bottles for students

COMMUNITY CLASSROOM: Teacher seeks donations for reusable water bottles for students

COMMUNITY CLASSROOM: Teacher seeks donations for reusable water bottles for students

COMMUNITY CLASSROOM: Teacher seeks donations for reusable water bottles for students

WHITEVILLE, N.C. (WECT) – Staying hydrated is important for anyone, but its especially important for students who have to sit for hours inside a classroom. That’s why Chelsey Aguillard of Williams Township is asking for reusable water bottles for her second grade students. She’s asking for donations through DonorsChoose, an online charity that helps teachers get funding for school projects. She calls her project “A Sip of Success!”

“In our classroom, we believe that a well-hydrated student is a focused and successful learner,” Mrs. Aguillard said on her DonorsChoose page. “Your generous donation will enable us to purchase high-quality, durable water bottles for each student. These bottles will be used daily, ensuring that every child has easy access to water, which will support their learning and health.”

Mrs. Aguillard needs $174 to buy the bottles. Once she is fully funded, DonorsChoose will purchase the items and deliver them to the school.

If you would like to make a donation, click here.

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