Bladen County Commissioners to discuss water service extension request and public school fund grant

Bladen County Commissioners to discuss water service extension request and public school fund grant

Bladen County Commissioners to discuss water service extension request and public school fund grant

Bladen County Commissioners to discuss water service extension request and public school fund grant

WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) – The Bladen County Commissioners are meeting to discuss a request to extend water service into Bladen County, approve a needs-based public school capital fund grant and more.

The Columbus County Board of Commissioners is asking Bladen County for permission to extend water service into the Buckhead community. The project is within the Columbus County Water and Sewer District IV, and the northern boundary line is common with Bladen County.

The proposed system will serve a portion of roads in Bladen County, including Jackson Loop, Indian Trail, Shoebaby, Siouan, Joe Patrick, Backwood, Docks and Marthas.

Dr. Jason Atkinson will provide an overview of a request that includes a 5% county match ($1,650,000) for a Needs-Based Public School Fund Grant Application.

“This match will provide a requirement to potentially secure an additional $33,000,000 (for a total of $34,650,000) to fund expansion projects at Bladenboro Primary and Elizabethtown Primary Schools. Dr. Atkinson has additional information regarding refund of federal tax credits ($2,030.506), estimated refunds ($550,000), and confirmation of current unspent balance ($450,000), which could be used to offset or provide the County’s match,” the county agenda reads.

You can read the full agenda here.

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