Annual fishing tournament honors former Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier employee

Annual fishing tournament honors former Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier employee

Annual fishing tournament honors former Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier employee

Annual fishing tournament honors former Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier employee

WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. (WECT) – When Marc Morrison arrived at Johnnie Mercers Fishing Pier Saturday, he only had one rod with him. He soon made sure to buy another one.

The pier was hosting the 5th annual Donnie Wood’s Flounder Fishing Tournament, and with $10 entry fees per rod, Morrison, a friend of Wood’s, wanted to ensure he was helping support a good cause. Half of the proceeds from the event went to the Celebrate Recovery Outreach Association, which helps people struggling with substance abuse and other problems.

Wood died in September 2019 from lung cancer. He was an avid flounder fisher and worked at the fishing pier in the final years before his death, even setting a pier record by hauling in a nine-pound flounder in August 2015.

Wood was also a 30-year recovering addict who always sought to help others, pier owner Matthew Johnson said.

“It was something he was near and dear to. He would always share – even with those who didn’t have problems – about his successes and how life can change if you make changes, so he was an inspiring person.”

After Wood’s death, Johnson was moved to start a new fishing tournament in his honor.

“Some people have a pretty big footprint in life – and not necessarily about money or other prestige – but personal, and he was one of those guys that moved a lot of our regulars and people who really enjoyed the place. He’s kind of endured himself with the location,” Johnson said.

The tournament Saturday was all catch and release, and fish were measured by weight. The other half of entry fee proceeds went to the fishers who brought in the three heaviest flounders.

Wood enjoyed the camaraderie fishing provided, Johnson said. Many fishers at the tournament Saturday knew Wood, making the event special for them. Morrison said Saturday’s edition was one of the largest crowds the event has ever drawn, and there were more flounder reeled in than in any of the past tournaments.

“This year has been amazing,” Morrison said. “We’ve caught more flounder than any other year before, which makes me feel like Donnie’s presence is here for sure.”

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